I always admired those individuals who I thought of to be courageous, those people who are not afraid of the unknown or bounded by the familiar. Many of us, including my self, go through the same daily routines and actions each day to stick with what feels comfortable. At times I feel as if I live too much on the safe side, instead of living life to the fullest. My mission is to abandon comfort in hopes of reaching courage. Your probably thinking that is a big goal, I know! What I am talking about will not happen in the period of this semester, honestly it might never happen. I am not imaging my self becoming a hero, I just want to push myself.
So, my plan is to each week set a goal to do something, an action that I would not normally do or I’ve been wanting to do but have not had the courage. I will push myself to step outside of my comfort zone. Within this blog I will record and reflect on my actions, reactions, and feelings. Weekly, I will also include an individual, whether that be a stranger I saw around campus or character within a movie, I think exemplifies courage. By analyzing their actions you and I can better understand what it is I admire or strive for.
This blog will be my baby steps, From: Comfort To: Courage.