Friday, March 30, 2012

Public Speaking.!

Public speaking, yikes! That is what comes to mind when I hear a project coming up requires an oral presentation. It’s funny though because the anxiety I get, typically at least, goes away not long after I begin. And I think to my self, this was not as bad after all. Now why I can not remember those moments leading up to my next public speaking requirement I’ll never know.

But what about those moments when it’s not required? For example, what do you do when it comes to speaking in large lectures or presenting in a club. Sometimes I find myself not minding and other times I just keep quiet.

I am almost positive that for 90% of people who hate public speaking it is because of a fear of judgement. With the spotlight on you, it’s as if you think the whole room is judging, negatively. While the fact is, yes some will judge but its never really as bad as you imagined it. I know this is the case for what I think at least.

For this week I thought why not force myself to do something I would probably never normally choose to do? Why not push my self to speak in a large lecture?

My Stat 200 class is in 101 Thomas and I decided I will submit a question to a forum on ANGEL. Where then the professor will read it aloud in class and I will have to read the answer afterwords.

Now I only I cheated a little because technically I did not do an action this week, but the questions are only read on Fridays so I will be reading it aloud next week.

I’m sure it will feel good to push myself to do something new, that how we grow right?

Signed: From: Comfort To: Courage


  1. I completely agree with you, if I stumble on one word of my speak I automatically think, "omgomg they are totally laughing at me right now" I'm not sure if it's just extreme paranoia or I get nervous about my speech and over think everything. (though it's most likely the first...) I hate the feeling of being judged like that, and i'm happy that you are challenging yourself to get over that.

  2. Glad your doing this--I never speak out in big lecture halls. Good luck!
