Thursday, April 12, 2012

Something New.!

There is no better way to describe me and my ways, other than to say: I am a creature of habit. I order the same meals when I got to restaurants, I walk the same way to classes everyday, and I even keep the same general routine. Do not get me wrong now,
there is some spontaneity in my life.

But I am sure you can relate to this, generally doing or choosing to act in ways that are familiar to you. I mean what I can I say, that is what is easiest. That is what is comfortable right?

Imagine making a conscious decision everyday to blur the carefully laid out lines of our everyday routines, our lives.

This is just what I did for the past week. I switched things up and choose to consciously do things that I would not normally do. One a day to be specific. 

Here’s what I did:
Friday: I spoke in one of my classes, that I have never spoke in before.
Saturday: I went for a run outside. (Instead of the stuffy Gym.)
Sunday:I tried a new flavor for wings over. (I still favor my honey barbecue though.)
Monday: I asked my neighbor to go for lunch.
Tuesday: I decided to walk a different way to my classes.
Wednesday: I wore a little makeup. (It was a nice change, but it wont become a regular thing.)
Thursday: I tried a new restaurant, Baby’s. (I recommend it!)

Let me say, it was a little refreshing to change things up in my daily routine. I think us, as a society, get so caught up with what we know that we never try to step beyond that. This was just one more push towards courage.

Signed From: Comfort To: Courage

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